Tips & Ideas 

  • To keep email addresses safe, consider changing the visibility of this content page from "any one can see it" to "only users that are logged in can see it".
  • To add interest, include pictures or bitmojis of board members and committee chairs.   

Welcome to The GLOBE Academy Parent Teacher Community Council, or as we like to call it, our PTCC!  Our vision is to be an engaged community that supports the learning environment and unique culture of GLOBE.  


PTCC Mission
The PTCC will build collaborative partnerships amongst all stakeholders through fundraising and community events to promote open communications, enhance educational experiences, and develop learning opportunities to impact our greater community.


2024-2025 PTCC Leadership Team

PTCC Officers 


Anna Holbrook

MJ Levine

Contact PTCC Officers 



Ann Teh



Jennifer Hong


Parent Action Committees

Parent Action Committees (PACs) are narrowly focused groups of parents charged with tackling specific challenges or planning specific aspects of GLOBE growth and development. PACs meet regularly and are open for any parent to join. Each PAC is composed of multiple work groups focused on advancing specific areas within our school. Work groups within each PAC are dynamic and subject to change in response to changing conditions.

Classroom Support PAC

Ana Catarina Teixeira, Co-lead 

Charrnelda Lewis, Co-Lead 


Book Fair
Field Day
Science Night
Room Parent Coordination
Staff Appreciation 


Communications Coordination PAC 


Zakiyyah Williams, Co-lead 


Social Media    
Web Updates 


Community Support PAC 


Shanique McCallum, Co-lead

Kimberly Williams, Co-lead 


Lost & Found/Used Uniforms
Parent Mixers
Screen on the Green
Community Service and Sustainability
Ice Cream Social


Fundraising PAC


Vacant (2)


GLOBE Auction
Maker's Market
Spirit Wear
Spirit Nights
Royalty Programs


Global Awareness PAC 


Mei-Ling Gomez, Co-lead

Monique A. Parks, Co-lead 


International Fest
Language Enrichment
Parent-led Cultural Events
Supports school-led cultural events